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发布时间:2022-10-14        浏览次数:325        返回列表


1、Martin Kaufung:在中国工作,



来自德国的Martin Kaufung先生亲历见证了弗兰德在华的加速发展。Mr.Kaufung是弗兰德中国区的首席财务官,他认为在中国工作是一段非常美好的经历,中国的发展日新月异,中国开放包容的胸怀,还有更多和自己朝夕相处的中国同事以及朋友,他们的友善、真诚让Mr. Kaufung感受到家人的温暖。





Q: How to deal with investor relations in the different capital market and culture in China and Germany?

A: Our shareholder is Flender GmbH in Germany. Most strategic decisions are done in the headquarter in mutual communication with the regions. Since many years I see my role in explaining the German thinking to my Chinese colleagues and verse vice. It’s all about effective communication. Targets are agreed mutually and shareholders need to trust the regions for how they can achieve it. Business is local!

Q: Behind every excellent international company, there is an extraordinary finance team. How to become a CFO in international company and how to build up and lead an international finance team?

A: A CFO has basically four roles: He is an Advocate for the investor, Partner to the CEO, Leader of the finance community and Guardian of the regulatory bodies of a company. That requires a profound and solid know-how of financial methodologies and rules as well as an antenna for business opportunities combined with a mature personality. Only some of that you can learn in school. Most is the result of various experience in different functions and diverse environments.

Every chain is as strong as its weakest link. So, for a strong team you need a lot of different competencies. Fine if you have it already available. If not, you must develop your members. A balanced mixture of challenge and foster will highly motivate your staff and motivation is the strongest driver of performance. For international teams the intercultural competence comes on top. By putting yourself in the shoes of your partners you will understand the different approaches of different cultures and learn how to deal with it.

Q: The cultures of China and Germany are very different. How do you handle it in terms of impact on Company finance management?

A: Yes, cultures have differences, but financial systems are quite similar. So, rather than the financial technic the consequences taking away from the figures are diverting in different countries. While European prefer to a high degree of security for decisions in Asia managers are willing to take more risks which might have implications on quality later on but are definitely faster in the process of innovation. I see my role in taking advantage of the positive attitudes in both cultures. At the end of the day all companies in whatever country have the same targets: to grow and make profit.

2 Joerg Sieber:对中国市场充满信心


在天津公园里,大家时不时能看到一位英姿飒爽的德国男士在公园里锻炼,并和相识的路人用中文打着招呼:“你好!”。他就是威能极中国区总经理Joerg Sieber。他带领下的威能极是全球风电齿轮箱的知名供应商之一,得到客户与合作伙伴的充分认可。






2022年9月8日,弗兰德产线结构升级第十期增资扩建项目开工仪式在弗兰德天津工厂隆重举行。作为弗兰德的重要一员,Mr. Sieber的内心无比骄傲。他深知,弗兰德的增资扩建为公司在华业务的蓬勃式发展打下了坚实基础。


Q: In the more than ten years of Golden Age for wind power development, what opportunities had been seized by Winergy? What strategic adjustments have been made in the face of current new situation?

A:Winergy officially entered China in 2006, catching up the golden age of rapid development of China's wind power market, and has always been in the leading position with advanced technology and competitive cost advantage. The Hybrid drive transmission system invented by Winergy integrated all advantages of direct-drive permanent magnet technology and high-speed doubly-fed technology, so it can significantly improve the power density of the drive chain system with high reliability and reduce the cost; in addition, due to the compact design, the size of the drive chain can be effectively reduced, which helps to optimize the layout and make it cost effective.

In one word, it brings obvious advantages to the production,transportation , operation and maintenance of large-scale turbines.

Urged by climate change and low-carbon energy transition, the large-scale wind turbines are accelerated and accepted in the market, so Winergy has integrated two business segments of wind turbine gearboxes and generators in order to provide complete drive chain solution to global wind manufacturers, seizing business opportunity in large-scale turbines market and gaining a head start.

Q: China has released dual carbon strategy of carbon peaking and carbon neutrality. What measures will Winergy be taken as response?

A: Winergy always has a clear goal and action plans for carbon neutrality. For the supply chain, Winergy has strengthening the assessment of suppliers in terms of sustainable development. There is a strict selection mechanism for suppliers, and carbon emission related indicators are considered in the procurement decision-making process. On the other hands, Winergy will establish a carbon emission screening management system including suppliers which could help company itself and suppliers together to accelerate reduction of carbon emission, such as improving energy efficiency, purchasing green power, implementing energy-saving projects, and increase usage of recyclable materials.

Q: How can Winergy helping customers to go green?

A: Winergy's [SBJ1] has profound product portfolio for energy saving and environmental protection, such as high-efficient and high power density drive trains,condition monitoring systems digital and automated technology and solution, as well as rich experience in sustainability development. We have integrated the "sustainability " and "digital" strategy into company’s development, creating interconnection of entire supply chain to promote carbon reduction, which could empower ourselves and customers in different fields to achieve win-win situation both in economy and social responsibility.

Q: How do you see the future of wind power?

A: With technology development, wind power becomes the cleanest green energy with the lowest cost of electricity and will dominate future global investment in new energy sources. Wind power is entering a new and fast development period, and it is expected that onshore and offshore wind power installations will continue to increase globally and in China in the coming years. Especially with the trend towards large-scale wind turbines and large-scale wind farms the cost reduction will further be accelerated, and the Hybrid drive technology invented by Winergy has significantly increase the power density of the drive chain system and reduce the weight of the drive chain system, which helps to reduce the cost in the end. As increasing demand for affordable energy, Winergy determines to reduce the cost of electricity for wind power with technological innovation are strengthened. We have ability and determination to make this mission happen.


摘自网络 2022-09-15



联系热线:18597848426(微信同号)   联系人:曾经理 联系地址:上海市嘉定区南翔镇众仁路399号B栋20层2007-2012

技术和报价服务:星期一至星期六8:00-22:00 西门子弗兰德减速机专营店